November Playdate

Date: November 11th
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Bouncy Barn
19288 East 51st Street
Broken Arrow, OK

For this month's playdate will meet at the Bouncy Barn in Broken Arrow at 9 a.m. They will be opening an hour early just for our group so there will not be other kids in there until at least 10:00. The kids can bounce as long as they want for $5.50 per child. There is no age requirement, they just need to be able to walk in order to bounce. There is no charge for non-walkers or adults so feel free to come along even if you have kids who won't bounce. The bouncers also need to wear their socks so don't forget them! Come wear them out and guarantee yourself a good naptime that day! Hope to see you there!