November MOPS Night Out

What: MOPS Night Out
When: Nov. 17th, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Jessica E.'s House

This month's MOPS Night Out will be in the home of Jessica E. We are going to play Dirty Turkey---which is just like Dirty Santa, White Elephant, etc. Please bring a wrapped $10 gift to play. (If it's $9 or $13---that's fine too. Just try to keep it around $10.) The gift should be something "Fallish"---a decoration or something along those lines. It should be relatively easy to find something cute in that price range if you look at Marshall's, T.J Maxx, Hobby Lobby, etc. Feel free to come just to chat even if you don't want to play the game. Jessica will provide drinks for us and if you want to bring a snack to share, go for it! But don't let that keep you from coming if you don't have time to make something. Thanks to Jessica for opening her home this month. Hope to see you all there!

November Playdate

Date: November 11th
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Bouncy Barn
19288 East 51st Street
Broken Arrow, OK

For this month's playdate will meet at the Bouncy Barn in Broken Arrow at 9 a.m. They will be opening an hour early just for our group so there will not be other kids in there until at least 10:00. The kids can bounce as long as they want for $5.50 per child. There is no age requirement, they just need to be able to walk in order to bounce. There is no charge for non-walkers or adults so feel free to come along even if you have kids who won't bounce. The bouncers also need to wear their socks so don't forget them! Come wear them out and guarantee yourself a good naptime that day! Hope to see you there!

Home Business/Talent Fair

Our next meeting is in one week, November 4th. I wanted to give you all a head's up about what we were going to do since some of you weren't at our last meeting. And some of you who were there might need a little reminding! :)
If you were in MOPS last year, you'll remember our Home Business Fair. Basically everyone who had a home-based business brought their things to set up a table and showed what they do. They brought some stock if they had it, sold products, took orders, and just gave other moms ideas of ways they brought extra income into their family.
Well this year we wanted everyone to participate! So instead of just a business fair, think of this week as a Show and Tell. Reach back to kindergarten and remember what show and tell was. Basically bringing something to class that you were proud of and wanted to show your friends, and you told them all about it!
Everyone is good at something. I know you all are busy at home, but when you do have free time, what do you like to do? We all have talents. Maybe you sew, craft, blog, create awesome scrapbooks, or make up games for your kids. It doesn't have to be something crafty! So next week, if you have a home business and you would like to bring things to set up a table, go for it. If you don't have a business, then bring us your Show and Tell. This is the time to show your talent off!!!
I am looking forward to this because I know there are some of you that know how to do things that I don't know how to do. And I want to know who you are so I know who to go to when I want to learn something new! This will give us all ideas and appreciation for each other. And we can share our knowledge!
If this is as clear as mud, please feel free to send me your questions. And if you just don't have anything that you want to bring, please don't let that keep you from coming. You absolutely do not have to bring something to this next meeting if you don't want to. You can just enjoy looking and browsing at all of the other things there. But think for a minute--you probably do have something you do that we want to see!
I am also going to allow each person a minute or two to talk about what they brought or what their business is. I want us all to have a chance to hear about you. We are going to spread out and try to give everyone some table space to display their things, so bring what you have but try not to bring too much since everyone will be needing space this year.
Thank you and I can't wait to see your talents!

October MOPS Night Out

What: MOPS Game Night
When: Thursday, October 27
Where: Lisa K.'s House

Our MOPS Night Out will be at Lisa K.'s house. The theme is "Game Night." Please bring any games you have that will work well with a group. Lisa will provide drinks and dessert for us. If you would like to bring any other snacks, please feel free but don't feel obligated. Just bring yourself if you can. Hope to see you there. Bring it on Ladies!

Together on Planet Mom

Together on Planet Mom MOPS International Theme for 2009-10

The MOPS Experience equips women for the joys and challenges of their lives as moms. One key factor in the MOPS Experience is the relationships built within a group. Time and time again, MOPS moms share that the friends they make in MOPS are significant for this season of their life and on into their future. God created us for relationship! It’s one of the defining parts of being human.

However, when you become a mom, all your relationships change. It’s like you have landed on a different planet—Planet Mom—and the relationships on Planet Mom don’t look like the ones on your previous planet. Your relationship with yourself is different—you are a mom! Your relationship with your husband, girlfriends, extended family, community and God have all changed. Many of these changes are positive, some are not. Even positive change requires adjustments on your part.

During the 2009-10 MOPS year, we will explore how to thrive in relationships Together on Planet Mom.

The theme book for 2009-10 is Life on Planet Mom: A Down to Earth Guide to Your Changing Relationships by Lisa T. Bergren. The book is part of the MOPS International Membership benefit. All the moms and Mentors in our group may use this resource as together they learn to navigate the relationships on Planet Mom.

As you begin your MOPS year with this emphasis on relationships, many pertinent topics can be included. Start with the changing relationships from self to girlfriends, marriage, family, extended family, community and God. Other topics can include conflict, safe/unsafe relationships, siblings, long-distance, virtual (internet) and more.

The foundation of being Together on Planet Mom is that God is with us and we are created for relationship with him and each other. We are created to “do life” together. This is definitely true for us as both moms and leaders. The more we draw together in community, the better we are able to thrive as women and moms. And in MOPS leadership, we are better together than individually, which is why the emphasis in MOPS leadership is working together on a team. This life together is underlined in our theme verse for the year, where Jesus promises: “For where two or three come together ... there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Discussion Groups

Which Discussion Group Am I In?

Rivers of Peace:
Jessica B. (Discussion Group Leader)
Miranda S. (Discussion Group Leader)
Erin J.
Michelle N.
Cristi M.
Jennifer G.
Christy H.

Oceans of Love:
Lisa K. (Discussion Group Leader)
Ranae R. (Discussion Group Leader)
Tara H.
Ali B.
Hillary S.
Amber L.
Jessica E.

Mountains of Joy:
Tricia T. (Discussion Group Leader)
Briana B. (Discussion Group Leader)
Annie C.
Amber M.
Michelle Y.
Holly R.
Tiffany G.

Clouds of Kindness:
Elizabeth T. (Discussion Group Leader)
Jana R. (Discussion Group Leader)
Melissa S.
Karina J.
Ronda R.
Shirley T.

Contact Us

Please Contact our MOPS group via email:

Meeting Location:
205 East A Street
Jenks, OK 74037

Meeting Times: (Starting Sept. 16 2009)
1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 9:15 am-11:15 am

Breakfast Rotation

Breakfast Rotation: (by Table)

Sept 16: Steering Committee

Oct 7: Oceans of Love (Ranae & Lisa K.)

Oct 21: Mountains of Joy (Tricia & Briana)

Nov 4: Rivers of Peace (Jessica & Miranda)

Nov 18: Clouds of Kindness (Elizabeth & Jana)

Dec 2: Oceans of Love (Ranae & Lisa K.)

Dec 16: Mountains of Joy (Tricia & Briana)

Jan 6: Rivers of Peace (Jessica & Miranda)

Jan 20: Clouds of Kindness (Elizabeth & Jana)

Feb 3: Oceans of Love (Ranae & Lisa K.)

Feb 17: Mountains of Joy (Tricia & Briana)

Mar 3: Rivers of Peace (Jessica & Miranda)

Apr 7: Clouds of Kindness (Elizabeth & Jana)

Apr 21: Oceans of Love (Ranae & Lisa K.)

May 5: Mountains of Joy (Tricia & Briana)

May 19: Rivers of Peace (Jessica & Miranda)

What is MOPS?

We are group of moms with preschoolers (ages birth to Kindergarten) who love God, love our kids, and love each other. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month starting Sept. 16th (following the JenksPS schedule) at First Baptist Church in Jenks, OK. We meet from 9:15-11:15 am and share and learn from each other while our kids are having fun in MOPPETS. Please join us in the Together on Planet Mom 2009 – 2010 year! We would love to have you! For more info please email:

2009-2010 Schedule

Sept 16: Speed dating and T-shirt painting
Oct 7: Carol Sallee
Oct 21: No sew blanket
Nov 4: Talent/business fair
Nov 18: Apple pies
Dec 2: Family/Christmas traditions
Dec 16: Teacher/Hostess gifts/Gift jars/Cookie exchange
Jan 6: Organization
Jan 20: Craft/Learning stations
Feb 3: From a guy's perspective
Feb 17: Craft
Mar 3: Speaker
Apr 7: Spa day
Apr 21: Nutrition/ Fit Kids
May 5: Gardening
May 19: Taste of MOPS (giveaways)