November MOPS Night Out

What: MOPS Night Out
When: Nov. 17th, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Jessica E.'s House

This month's MOPS Night Out will be in the home of Jessica E. We are going to play Dirty Turkey---which is just like Dirty Santa, White Elephant, etc. Please bring a wrapped $10 gift to play. (If it's $9 or $13---that's fine too. Just try to keep it around $10.) The gift should be something "Fallish"---a decoration or something along those lines. It should be relatively easy to find something cute in that price range if you look at Marshall's, T.J Maxx, Hobby Lobby, etc. Feel free to come just to chat even if you don't want to play the game. Jessica will provide drinks for us and if you want to bring a snack to share, go for it! But don't let that keep you from coming if you don't have time to make something. Thanks to Jessica for opening her home this month. Hope to see you all there!